Industrial Ergonomics

Ergo-Motion provides ergonomic assessments and recommendations in industrial settings such as manufacturing, shipping, transportation, construction, and food processing.  The goal of our ergonomic interventions is to increase comfort and productivity while minimizing the risk of musculoskeletal injuries (MSI).

We will assess the critical job tasks and provide ergonomic recommendations to minimize the ergonomic risk factors.  These may include engineering solutions or administrative solutions.  Engineered solutions are those that change the physical design or layout of the workplace, such as changing heights on equipment, installing anti-fatigue matting, etc.  Administrative solutions include work style modification, safe work practices, job rotations, and training, to name a few.

The needs of each business and their work operations are different – please request an assessment below to discuss your needs and we will work with you to create a comprehensive ergonomic program unique to your needs.

 Request an Industrial Ergonomic Assessment

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